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Bites & Child

Girl Hiking in Mountains

Remove the tick:
If attached = exposed.

  1. DO NOT PUT anything on an attached tick...
    Use tweezers or tick key to remove:

  2. Grasp the tick mouth-part/head, closest to skin

  3. Pull the tick upward and steady, do not twist, squeeze, nor burn; pull steady and precisely in hopes it may even release.
    With a TICK KEY it gives instruction to pull back, not up, see instructions if you have this device.
    We did not get the head out, it was a speck and not visible with the eye. Do not dig these out or risk topical infection.

  4. Save the tick (have it tested) -we lost ours

  5. Wash hands

  6. Apply antiseptic and essential oils often, and see below for Buhner steps

  7. Go to the doctor. Request antibiotics. Antibiotics can stop the complete progression of any lyme symptoms if taken soon enough and long enough.
    *Please know, I did not put my son on them because at the time of the bite, age 3, they do not put them on doxycycline, so I chose homeopathic. Children under age 8 get Amoxicillin, which is less effective.
    Neither my son nor I have taken antibiotics, though I do recommend them.
    We followed below "right after bite" below.
    I see the benefits for antibiotics if used right away. I also believe it may make lyme bugs cyst up and go into another form, or into hiding, only to bring illness later. I recommend a professional to assist with pulsing and rotating different antibiotics and adding herbs and oils for the treatment to be successful.

  8. Apply oils topically first to make sure they agree with you. Then take them internally (the proper way); see the protocols and be sure you are getting guidance with this and go slow.
    I did not take oils internally at first and I even had the oils! I did not realize what I was dealing with after my tick bite. I am now slowly treating chronic Lyme Disease internally with oils.
    It takes months to years to put Lyme and co-infections into remission.

  9. Pray and keep treating. Message me if you'd like and I'll answer any questions I can.

  10. Test the Tick. As of 2019, many use the UMASS lab,


Right after bite:

  1. homeopathic LEDUM (wild rosemary), follow dosage on bottle or divide up based on a child's weight, I used a 1/4 dose. Take it for 3-5 days (you can purchase Ledum at a health store. I keep it on-hand now.)

  2. Follow with homeopathic APIS, if rash is present

  3. topical oils, every few hours, keep applying. I make a roller bottle of Oregano, OnGuard (includes clove & cinnamon), Thyme, Lavender, Melaleuca, Frankincense.
    OnGuard Hand Sanitizer spray helps treat itching from bites while disinfecting the bite
    Correct X (doTerra ointment) contains: Frankincense, Helichrysum, Cedarwood, Melaleuca, Lavender

  4. See Herbs, etc. link.; you'll want Buhner recommended herbs:
    Andrographis and Astragalus.
    After my son's bite he got all of the above.
       Astragalus you can take all summer, prior to tick bites, if you do not have chronic lyme. I've continued low-dosing my son on this (several weeks to a full month and then take a week off and so on, pulsing it long-term). In addition to Astragalus I give my son a Gaia Kid's Defense herbal tincture off and on.
       Andrographis you can take internal though I have not and if someone is allergic the response is not good. I suggest this applied topically after a bite ...
    mix and apply with a clay to the skin to draw out the infection; this is a top recommendation by Buhner. I apply essential oils first and continually.

  5. Adults: Bull's Eye herb capsule is easy because you can find it at a local health store and it has (Cinnamon, Clove, Thyme, Rosemary, Cat's Claw and some other good stuff).
    See the Protocol and Herbs tabs on my website and My story and Lyme tab.
        You may want to get tested in a few weeks (it will not show up right away) and learn as much as you can.

Dosing (child):
3 yr old
(this is what I did)

(immediate - 3 day dosing recommended)
Ledum palustre 30 c, packaging states:
adult: 5 pellets, 3x's a day, until symptoms are relieved
I gave a 1/4 dose of an adult dose,
based on weight @ 4 pellets a day max.
3 doses, 3x's a day, for 5 days

(ongoing to fight Lyme/colds, rotate, pulsed)
- Astragalus tincture: Buhner recommended a
1 yr old be dosed: 10 drops, 3x daily.
(please do your research as any doses may change)
- Gaia Kid's Defense herb
- Gaia Kid's Attention herbs,
- Colloidal silver

(ongoing for immune and general health)
Probiotic powder in milk, 1/4 tsp.
Omega oils (Nordic Naturals: gummy, most kids will like, my son did not like)
MultiVitamin - (doTerra's child version do not taste good, boo... (it is the ONLY product from doTerra that I do not recommend). I got him a chocolate multi so he would actually take them.
Vit. C (m&m form or gummy)
Garlic, Ginger, Honey, ACV
(recipe on blog to come)


July 2018 right armpit,
deer tick or nymph removal

he got this bite within the day,
we found late evening and calling this day 1.

I figured this all out on the fly. This is not perfect.
If you can, see an LLMD.

Day 1: NO RASH removal within the day of attachment in the late evening, alcohol, topical oils, bath, epsom salt, more oils, and
Kid's Defense herbal drops
I use Kid's Defense drops when he has a cold, so I had it on hand and now chose (on my own) to dose him with this off and on since it has ginger and clove. I dose when I think I see symptoms and then I quit and dose again, and rotate all.
Kid's Defense herbal drops contains:
Marshmallow root, echinacea, bayberry root bark, elder flowers, ginger root extract, irish moss, cayenne pepper fruit, clove flower bud

Day 2:  HIS NECK HURT in the evening,
applied essential oils all day, every few hours
1st dose:
10 drops Astragalus,
10 drops Kid's Defense
2nd mid-day:  (put all in juice)
3 sprays Silver,
3 drops Astragalus,
1 drop of Lemon,
3 drops Kid's Defense,
-honey on toast with a dash of salt & cinnamon
3rd dose evening:
1 LEDUM pellet, gave 1st dose (finally got it)

7 drops Astragalus,
5 drops Kids' Defense,
3 drops Silver,
Bentonite clay mixed with silver topically

Day 3: HIS FEET HURT, he was cranky, aggressive, kicking in the morning; the bite was raised red, head still in. By evening he did not want to sleep and told me to remove his socks (he had none on). I'm guessing he was finally tired, out of it, and maybe hit feet felt numb.
Lyme can make you feel STRANGE to say the least.

every few hours topically applied essential oils all day and rotated with clay/andrographis, and doTerra Correct X ointment, and prayed, and continue to tell him this will pass, it will get better, do not worry
1st dose:
LEDUM (1 pellet out of 4 total dose for the day)
10 drops Astragalus,
rotated with 10 drops Kid's Attention daily contains:
Lemon Balm, German Chamomile, Passion flower vine, American Skullcap herb, Wild Oats milky seed, Irish Moss, Gotu Kola leaf
(my son did better on Kid's Defense)
and topical
Forgive oil blend (I chose it for these specifically: Myrrh, Arborvitae, Thyme)
continued essential oils, Correct X ointment, bentonite clay with Andrographis and a bandaid
LEDUM (2 pellets out of 4 dose for the day)
3 sprays Silver, 8 drops Astragalus, 1 drop of lemon,
3 drops Kid's Defense
LEDUM (last 2 pellets out of 4 dose for the day)

3 sprays Silver, 8 drops Astragalus, 1 drop of lemon,
3 drops Kid's Defense

Day 4: NO fever or rash, HIS HEELS HURT
1st dose:

7 drops Astragalus,
3 sprays Silver
Probiotic, Vitamin
2nd mid-day: 
7 drops Astragalus
3 sprays Silver
Omega gummy
3rd evening:
7 drops Astragalus,
3 sprays Silver
Omega gummy

Day 5: August 1, 2018
8 drops Astragalus,
3 sprays Silver
4 sprays Kid's Defense
Probiotic, Vitamin ongoing (I won't keep writing this)
2nd mid-day: 
7 drops Astragalus
3 sprays Silver
Omega gummy (I won't keep writing this)
3rd evening:
7 drops Astragalus,
3 sprays Silver

Day 6:
1 LEDUM (final dose, 5 days)
added Stevia drop

7 drops Astragalus,
5 sprays Kid's Defense (rotating)
2nd dose evening:

7 drops Astragalus
3 sprays Kid's Attention (rotating)

Day 7, 8, 9: (same as above, holding steady), and continuing all topicals, epsom baths, etc.

Day 10: slowed down on herbs in juice, continued topical of course 24-7, (in hindsight I should not have taken a break with internal herbals); his foot hurt middle of night. So... please keep treating several days up to a month, or at least until many days after being symptom free.

Day 11: slowed down on herbs in juice (in hindsight I should not have taken a break here); his foot hurt middle of night. I've continued to pulse.

Still dosing herbs off and on early 2019.
He occasionally has light sensitivity right now.






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