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More Details…

• Biofilm busters...

Disease does everything it can to survive. It mutates or tries to hide, and travels in packs. Without breaking the outer biofilm that is created in chronic diseases, you won't be getting at much.
    Bugs create a film (or mass, clump of slime) and hide in it or invade red blood cells, and antibiotics can't reach or bust through it.

    This is what may be going on when you hear "resistant bacteria". These bugs like to group together and not only have a party (at your expense); it provides them shelter for quite awhile. Antibiotics can even induce biofilms.

    Be sure you are taking biofilm breakers, or just google (what is biofilm?). These are just a few:
• Oils with biofilm action (in vitro):
  • Cinnamon: Staphylococcus epidermis biofilm

  • Oregano: S. aureus and S. epidermis biofilm

  • Thyme: Listeria monocytogenes biofilm on stainless steel and polystyrene

  • Rosemary: Candida albicans and C. tropicalis biofilm

  • Melaleuca: S. aureus, MRSA and C. albicans biofilm


also Peppermint & Eucalyptus

I make a shake and put a bunch of biofilm breakers in, along with protein shakes/digestive enzymes, etc., See my blog link for the shake I make in the photo here.

• Foods:
Olive oil
Coconut Oil
  (Lauric acid)
ACV - Apple Cider Vineger

Manuka or Local Honey
Caprylic acid
Linoleic acid

• Herbal:
Boswellia  (Frankincense),
St. John's Wort
Salvia (Sage)
• Other: 
- Minerals,
- Enzymes,
- Aspirin (check for conflicts)
- Colloidal Silver (I have MTHFR so I'm careful not to add metals too much)
- Oxygen, good for you/ bad for bugs, moderate exercise without overexertion
• Lemon oil in water
Best thing you can do for detox. 
• Supplements ...
see the Vitamin tab, I started with changing my vitamins for almost a month before I started fighting Lyme disease with oils. I think I mention this in my protocol tab as well.


• GX Assist and PB Assist are amazing

If you are not familiar with oils, just get this.
It is pre-made: 5 oils in a capsule, natural antibiotic.

    Research shows how well Melalueca & Oregano  (8x stronger than penicillin) are in busting up bio-films; and these are within the GX Assist.

    This can be used for detox a few times a year if not fighting something chronic, in general it is pulsed.


And followed by PB Assist, or your Probiotic of choice. Some kinds stay in the gut longer.



• Get more oils, as you can

Family Essentials Kit. 10 oil kit in 5 ml bottles.

I just recommended this kit to a family member because it was cheaper than buying 5 larger bottles of what was needed right away.


Or get oils in 10 ml bottles and build up a supply.
Prices for oils range:
$10 Lemon & Lemongrass to a mid-range in the
$20's for oils like Melaleuca & Oregano,
to the high-range Frankincense $69. (often free in December with a larger order, that's when I get it).

Most oils average $20–$30 and last a very long time.

I put my money in oils, not doctor visits or meds.



The oils work on so many levels.  All properties listed are mostly credited to my Modern Essential's book.
The footnotes in that book are impressive. I love reading all the small print... regarding all the scientific studies backing it up, often in petri dish.


FRANKINCENSE: is ANTI- all these things:

catarrhal (removes mucus/respiratory), depressant, microbial, spasmodic, and immune-stimulant.


LEMON: is ANTI- all these things:

bacterial, infectious, microbial, rheumatic, septic, spasmodic, and immune-stimulant.


MELALEUCA: is ANTI- all these things:

bacterial, fungal, infectious, inflammatory, parasitic, septic, viral, and immune-stimulant.


OREGANO: is ANTI- all these things:

bacterial, catarrhal (removes mucus/respiratory), fungal, infectious, inflammatory, parasitic, rheumatic, septic, spasmodic, viral, and immune-stimulant.




More on How Oils Work

Used for centuries, wonders of nature:


  • Clove Oil – One of the strongest and most potent antimicrobial substance that is extracted primarily for dentistry purposes, clove is both an analgesic and an antiseptic. Very high capacity in terms of oxygen radical absorbance and is capable of fighting borrelia and bartonella infections.

  • Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano – All of which are antibacterial and also used for different infections, thyme, marjoram, and oregano are effective against Lyme disease.

  • Frankincense – A muscle relaxant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and immune-stimulant in one, Frankincense is one of the most popular essential oils used for curing Lyme disease. Basically, it reduces the inflammation of the affected parts and contributes to the control and regulation of immune-system reactions. Mixing it with 2 drops of oregano and coconut oil for topical application on the feet during the day is an innovative way to continue your treatment. Internally, take 2 drops of this essential oil each day, which you can combine with clove, lemongrass, and helichrysum for better results.

  • Cinnamon – This aromatic oil is not only good for relaxing the mood, it is also a powerful antimicrobial substance that cures Lyme disease.

  • Melalueca (tea tree) – very effective in liquefying and removing bio-films, It is a very good antibacterial that works hand-in-hand with clove to deliver the best treatment outcomes.

  • Rosemary, Lavender, Rose, Geranium – These lovely and aromatic plants, when extracted as essential oils, are known for their ability to stop the infectious borrelia from communicating with each other. Therefore, they are helpful in preventing relapse or reactivity in the long run.


Other good stuff:  (more at Vitamin tab)

Garlic - add fresh or powder to food and take pill form.
Ginger - I shake it on my coffee and food, and eat ginger candy.

I found a link that mentioned:
Garlic, Raw Sauerkraut, Lemon, Parsley, Pineapple, Turmeric, Basil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Kale, Coconut
Coconut Oil

By the spoonful... daily... in smoothies, coffee, stir-fry, on toast... however you like to eat it. It bust up biofilms and is heart-healthy and antimicrobial.
   Many do "oil pulling"... Swish it around as long as you can and spit in the trash. (research before doing this if you have mercury fillings)
I've used Nature's Way Coconut Oil forever, but there are many to choose from that may be even better.
I may try Dr. Bronner's version next.
Links on the benefits of coconut oi:
< or >


ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg)

Start with a splash (1 tsp) and work up to a couple splashes in your smoothies.

You need this for a million health benefits... to keep ph balance and yeast in balance.


Manuka Honey

Research has shown that this special New Zealand honey, produced by bees who feed off the manuka bush, has powerful antibiotic properties and can help combat MRSA, fight infections, reduce wound inflammation, and help with skin conditions.

  The honey is measured by methylglyoxal (MGO) content. This compound is found in high concentrations  —  up to 100 times greater than ordinary honey — according to German researchers, and is thought to give it its antiseptic edge.


Blackstrap Molasses

I put a dollup in my smoothies. Not saying it's great for lyme, but I use it since my iron decreased. I tried supplementing iron and felt strange. I use "foods" wherever possible. It also brings you B vitamins, energy, etc. However, the more I google molasses and lyme I see more and more people talking about using it.


Dr. Bronner Soap

I use peppermint and lavender. You won't regret getting this; no more dry skin, for real. And it feels medicinal at the same time. Watch sensitive areas, it is tingly. You can find this brand at Target! :) Worth every penny. I even started washing my hair with it.





Required FDA disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”



Simple, lots of lemon in your water! Drink more than you think.

Lemon oil is anti-infectious,
anti-microbial and helps
move waste out.

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