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My Story

Take control of your health with:


Essential Oils

Zyto Scan

Muscle Testing





Visceral Therapy

Ionic Foot Bath Detox

Hair Testing (next, not done yet)



When I found a tiny tick on me, Summer 2016, it was promptly removed and that area was hit with oils for a few days. I'd like to think I limited my exposure to tick-type pathogens, but I sadly didn't think to do more oils at the time and I had no idea to check for Lyme. I barely had a red spot where the tick was, never a big rash, I watched it closely, and then pushed it to the back of my mind.
     So, as it turn out, you did not need to see the tick, or a rash, nadda, nothing...   lyme may even be transmitted by saliva. Kiss your dog much? ... Or your partner who loves to hike? If you've been so lucky... pathogens are coming any way they can, by mosquito's or spiders... you name it. Lyme is everywhere, except Hawaii (I sure do love Maui). There is sadly no safe place. Your best bet is to spray on bug repellent daily (use doterra Terashield repellent blend, lemongrass, peppermint or eucalyptus).
     So, what are my symptoms ... one thing is for certain, my symptoms did not seem like classic lyme. For so many, lyme seems like something else. Lyme masquerades as other illnesses.
My symptoms:
Shortness of breath, skin sensitivity on arms/legs (in particular after applying sunscreen), occasional bloating, blurry vision off and on, and high afternoon adrenal/cortisone issues which makes me TIRED.
These were the only symptoms prior to treating with oils. Once I started treating with oils other symptoms appeared.
      I've always been Hypothyroid, but TSH levels are still in range. Iodine levels are low, so I eat seaweed and take an herbal mix to support my adrenals. Lyme may often be confused with whatever else you may be focusing on as an issue. You may think your thyroid is just off, but it may be lyme.
      I do not take any medications (yet) and I've never had a flu shot. I had the usual childhood vaccines and I believe in doctors, but I highly recommend your own research, or specialized doctors, and oils and foods, herbs and spices to self-treat wherever possible.
     I take the usual over the counter meds, but none of them worked this past year, and wasted my time. Nasonex or Advair does not help if your shortness of breath is caused by a lingering viral issue or pathogen invasion.
Shortness of breath:
      Lyme folks call shortness of breath "air hunger". It comes and goes and you can't catch your breath sometimes. (Note: By my 2nd day of treatment with internal oil combo called GX Assist my shortness of breath was better. I almost couldn't believe it.)
Skin sensitivity:
      My forearms and legs will not tolerate sunscreen now, since 2016, they flare (nothing visible) and they itch/hurt and I want to tear my skin off. If I look really close it looks like every pore is slightly red/inflamed. Cold packs seemed to be the only thing to help before I started treating with oils.
     Many lyme folk complain of cold/heat sensitivity, often fingers and toes but it can be anywhere. Lyme will dig in different places, so don't get hung up on symptoms lining up. Lyme can create chemical sensitivities or allergies.
     Occasionally I have creepy/crawlies... the sensation that something is on me, but it is internal, and after oils are applied. It seems as though it is a die-off, because it stops after a little bit.
    Joint pain... sometimes. But really, my pain moves around. After a night of lots of dancing once, my knees hurt for days and swelled like never before.  Sometimes my feet ache.
     I've done a bunch of reflexology and since then I can feel body pain in my feet and identify where it's coming from. (< if you know reflexology that makes good sense and it's fascinating!)  Bottom-line, the symptoms move around and it's all very strange. You'll understand it once it's happening, until then, I pray you do not have it.
      Beyond being a tired mom, my energy really took a hit. I seem to have abnormal bouts of fatigue, though many are bedridden because they go years misdiagnosed. I think my symptoms were kept at bay as I'd been using oils, though quite sparingly.
Does any of this sound familiar? Good job reading all this! If you have any doubt in your mind, please request the:
Western Blot test
iGeneX has the best Western Blot
or get a DNA Connexions Urine test ...
      I requested a Western Blot Lyme Test through my general doctor. It was dismissed by the CDC standards as negative. In the past even one marker pointed to Lyme. More on this at the Lyme tab too.
      Now I have two bands/markers and it's dismissed as not being lyme. Well, do your research... it's lyme or viral if ANY BANDS show up. The CDC needs to update the guidelines and they haven't because they are working on a vaccine (do not take).
      My markers (as of April 2017) are IgG 41 & 45
(G means I have older antibodies because my body made them against an invader). These markers move around depending on what stage you are with lyme producing antibodies in your body.
IgG 41 - flagelin protein of all spirochetes and
IgG 45, a cross-reactive with all Borellia.
      The other possible markers IgM show ("More" current or active infection), which I do not have showing up right now. Lyme can alter it's DNA to make more strains of the virus or to look like it belongs there, like a part of you, and it may not show up on a test; so treat your symptoms, not a test. Also good to know, the more immune compromised you are, the less markers may show. So it's the sicker who may not show as sick at all.
     No doctors told me this, or even know this, and the wait was too long to get in, and then I was told I'd need a lyme literate doctor (llmd) for anything else.
     I requested co-infection tests as well and nothing popped up. After reviewing the results I realized they only tested for three co-infections and Babesia was not even on their list. I mentioned at my next visit and the doctor said, "oh, we missed that one". And it turns out they don't even test for the WA1 strain that my sibling just found on an expensive kit test (not covered by insurance). This is why many Lyme patients do not get better, they have a slew of other bugs to kill, or prolonged antibiotics make more. And many unfortunately do not show up on testing.
UPDATE: AUG. 2017, IT TOOK 6 MONTHS to get this:

Borrelia burgdorferi F7 -NSA,
B. burgdorferi Osp C -NSA,
Bartonella henselae -NSA,
Borrelia recurrentis -NSA, and
Ehrlichia chaffeensis.

In summary: I simply have Lyme, Bart., & Ehrlichia
The NSA means I have a lower count of all, and points to a chronic or mutated form, a long-term infection.

So, here's my go-to lately...
"Oh, you don't feel well? Have you tested for lyme markers?"
Prior to this, I would ask if you had your thyroid or Vit. D levels checked. Ah fooey on that. Lyme eats D for breakfast. I'm of the 50/50 camp, don't feed them. I took a mega-dose years ago for low D and ended up with a kidney stone.
      Be careful, do not just take what the docs hand you, or at least lessen the dose or research it first. I was told to take a 50k weekly mega-dose. No thanks.
        Bruhner, a lyme smartie, says if you take D, 12k would be the upper limit. I personally am sticking with 1600k that comes with the doTERRA vitamins and 5k occasionally when I don't get a few minutes of sun.
Oils are a great 'set of dice' to roll. I won a Texas Hold'em Tournament once. That was exciting, but oils are the big win. Oils work with your body, they do not kill everything in sight and maintain the good bacteria and give you a great chance to break through bio-films and root out invaders. In general, they will make you feel better whatever is going on.
I know people who have similar symptoms, along with more classic lyme symptoms and active markers (lyme specific) ... so don't rule anything out.
I found an old article on Avril Lavigne about when she finally found she had Lyme Disease, her symptoms were just shortness of breath and lethargy. Doctors told her she was crazy and it took 8 months to diagnose, so persist.
Previously I took oils here and there, now I'll be doing the full protocol. I've had these oils for years, I know what to do. I hope to share it with you. BE WELL.
Also consider your viral load:
My son picked up the Coxsackie virus (Hand, Food, Mouth - HFM) in 2016. I put on lots of oils, gave him Tylenol for pain, and dabbed a small solution of Benedryl liquid mixed with Antacid Maylox liquid, and put in and around his mouth (a good pain reliever). Prayers to you if your little one has HFM — it's no fun.
    Then I got sick. Most likely an adult version of it. I had the worst cold/cough ever that took forever to go away. Lyme can also aggravate dormant viruses like mono, Epstein-Barr, shingles, etc. 
     When my son was sick with this was the first time I got hit with my first skin sensitivity issue. I've read the bacteria and virus can all work together. So perhaps getting exposed to the virus brought out the lyme. A good immune system can keep lyme suppressed even though it is busy getting entrenched.
   To complicate matters, I had a c-section, then the coxsackie virus, then a subsequent hernia surgery. I thought I was having shortness of breath due to my pain not being managed, so I dismissed this symptom for awhile. During the hernia surgery they pumped Levaquin antibiotic into my IV. They don't tell you this, it was in the doctors notes. Turns out that antibiotic has a black box warning for tendon damage. I've learned to ask even more questions. After both surgeries I did not take probiotics (beyond drinking Kefir), so my gut has most likely not been in the best condition to combat illness. A high percentage of our immunity is in our gut.
     Keep in mind that if you have lyme disease that it can partner up with co-infections and underlying viruses within your body making the fight more challenging and suppressing your immune.
So, what is so great about oils?
They cover all your bases when you have illnesses that are bacterial and viral and a slew of other things (anti- infectious, parasitic, microbial, etc.). And provided you are using them safely, you can just start using them if you suspect something — unlike a bigger decision to commit to weeks of antibiotics, etc. Or steroids (do not use, they drive lyme deeper).
Oils give you a peace of mind, literally. As Frankincense crossed the blood-brain barrier it can  alter your mood and assist with inflammation (the root of most disease).
   Bottom-line... whatever your ailments are, there is HOPE. Keep seeking out your best solutions and don't give up. And join one of the many groups on Facebook so you are not alone.
Parents with sick children, check out the Children's Lyme Disease Network. If you get a diagnosis of POTS or childhood arthritis please request a lyme test, blot specific, or preferably the urine gene test.
And if you are unsure and just want to detox, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Reach out if you'd like, I'd be so happy to chat with you. Or just take what you need of the protocols and start feeling better.
I pray for your discovery and wellness.

This is my personal testimony. “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

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