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•  doTERRA Vitamins!
I feel better and have more energy!

Dosage is 4 from each bottle.
I take a quarter dose, which is 1 pill from each.

I take less (because generally less is more) and I also get vitamins from other sources... food, protein shakes, etc.
It also cuts the cost and stretches a 30-day dose vitamin set to a several month supply.

I have something called the "MTHFR gene mutation"... (more than half the population has this and just doesn't know unless you pull a blood panel for it). It means you may not convert B vitamins properly and your body may not be able to detox waste out as easily as others without this gene mutation. I have half of the mutation.
I know, complicated right?
Well... what is not complicated is this vitamin set.
And whatever you do, don't go get mega-doses of B-complex — or any supplement, without knowing what it may do for you.
It may cause more harm than good.

These vitamins... I found after years of visiting vitamin shops and vitamin books to try to take something good... as it turned out I was taking the wrong "healthy" mega dose vitamins. And some had synthetic stuff my body could not process.

This Lifelong Vitality vitamin set include some of these ingredients:

(so you get a little cellular support, all the A-Z's you may need that are food-based, and essential omega's, plus a bit additional digestive support with essential oils)


Alpha CRS+ (cellular support):
Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Ginkgo Biloba
Milk Thistle
Green Tea
herbs: Peppermint, Ginger, Caraway (stomach tamer)


xEO-Mega also has: 
Omega's + herbs:
Wild Orange,
German Chamomile


and the Microplex VMz is:
(A through Zinc
the usual vitamins you need, plus
the B vitamin that is formulated for easy absorption and made from natural sources (like lime peel, natural, not man-made synthetic)
And also: Caraway, Ginger, Peppermint.

Ok... how do I get these? Text, email, call me! I just offered a friend a sample and they said hey, I just want to buy them. Ok.
I can send you a link to get you the most savings.

The cost for the vitamin pack is an upfront cost, but then save in the long run, not buying a bunch of other supplements. At 1/4 to 1/2 dose your supply will last a few months.
Then, if you like them (you will love them) you can rack up discount points.
Click here for doTerra blog on the vitamins:

LIfelong Vitality VItamin link (doterra blog)


Beyond this vitamin set, I sometimes rotate things in, and monitor closely. No mega-dosing anything.

I sometimes take extra Vit. C, Magnesium, and Iodine:


I was low in iodine (hypothyroid), so I have been eating a seaweed snack (found at Target) and using Pink Himalayan Sea Salt.
Iodine is essential and it has been removed from our mainstream diets, mostly so pharmaceutical medicines will bind properly.
(You may want to request an iodine blood test at your next physical if you suspect thyroid issues.)
With anything, consult your doctor before supplementing extra of anything. This is just my story adding iodine.
from Dr. Mercola:
"The most critical element in the Lyme patient, however, is iodine."


Vitamin C, Lipsomal —
(Dr. Mercola brand) @ 500–1000 mg
(Some fighting Lyme take megadoses and have success doing that.) I read Salt and Vit. C alone can do amazing things, so I try to rotate both in my routines and retest blood levels before taking extra of anything.


Magnesium Glycinate —

I know a person who swears just adding Magnesium solved 99% of his problems ... another person wrote to avoid it. Again, balance. More research is needed here.

    Dr. Cowden says to take it...
It can help your body function properly, though it may increase bio-films, so go easy and keep things in balance. Increasing bio-films would be bad, this would encourage underlying infections/germs to just go into hiding or more difficult to treat conditions.

   I'm not supplementing with any extra magnesium right now, just soaking my feet in Epsom salts for now.


Vit. D 

I supplemented megadoses of Vit. D in the past and found it brought my Vit. D levels up very slowly and eventually caused more harm than good for me. It caused me to develop a kidney stone. So before supplementing...

- First, ensure you are deficient by blood test.

- Then get more sun before supplementing. 15 minutes a day.

- Doctors will offer you a 50,000 unit weekly mega-dose in the blink of an eye, or they used to for quite awhile. (Say no thank you.) If you are that low, please go get a daily 2,000 or 5,000 unit dose and bring it up slowly. Vit. D will start storing up, so you can rotate or take every few days even. Get sun instead and find out why you are deficient.

- If you increase magnesium first, you may fix your low D issue.

- Buhner (herbal specialist) mentioned 12,000 units as his upper limit.

- doTerra Lifelong Vitality vitamins have 1,200 units. For many years the RDA was around 800 units.
(I often only take a quarter to half dose, so I get 400–600 units in pill form matching the RDA - recommended daily allowance.)



For times when colds and flu's are running around:


Vit. C

Ginger root (cook in soups or steap in tea)
Ginger candy (real candied ginger)
Honey Manuka and local to assist in any allergies


I occasionally rotate in other capsules to fight infection/Lyme and co-infection:

(Bull's Eye) Vibrant Health Bacterial Defense capsule (formerly called Bull's Eye) contains:
clove, cinnamic acid, jambolan leaf, pomegranate, eucalyptus leaf, lemon balm leaf, thyme leaf, cat's claw root, rosemary leaf exract

DDR  (doterra pill, only after applying topically for months and increasing dosage -- it is strong and causes a great herx with Lyme)

TriEase (doterra pill, premade for seasonal allergies or for a light dose of oils, have Lavendar, Lemon, Peppermint)

Copaiba plant based and legal with 2–30x more cannaboids than in THC or CBD

and capsules I make myself at my PROTOCOL link.
Oregano, Clove, Cinnamon, Thyme, Lemongrass, and (Tea Tree or Peppermint); pulsed/rotated
All things I cross-reference with other underlying conditions.



Required FDA disclaimer: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.”

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Simple, lots of lemon in your water! Drink more than you think.

Lemon oil is anti-infectious,
anti-microbial and helps
move waste out.

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